Each NFT on PopRank is represented via an NFT
Property | Description | Type(s) |
dbId | The globally unique ID (GUID) of the NFT. | string |
chain | The blockchain the NFT is hosted on. | 'ethereum' | 'polygon' | 'solana' |
tokenSchema | The token standard of the NFT. | string |
contract_address | The contract address of the NFT's collection. | string |
collection | The slug/identifier of the collection; used in the collection URL. | string |
id | The token ID of the NFT. | string |
name | The name of the NFT. | string |
owner | The owner's OpenSea username. | string |
ownerAddress | The owner's wallet address. | string |
ownerProfileUrl | The owner's profile image URL. | string |
price | The listing price on OpenSea. | string |
aestheticRank | The aesthetic rank of the NFT. | number |
rating | The Elo rating that determines the NFT's aesthetic rank. | number |
aestheticRankReliability | The reliability of the NFT's aesthetic ranking (improves with more rounds played). | number |
rarityTraitSumRank | The rarity rank of the NFT. | number |
rarityTraitSum | The sum of trait rarities that determine the NFT's rarity rank. | number |
timesSeen | The number of times the NFT has been seen in ranking games. | number |
timesWon | The number of times the NFT has won in ranking games. | number |
imageUrl | The image URL of the NFT artwork. | string |
animationUrl | The animation URL of the NFT animation (if it exists). | string | null |
traits | An array of Trait objects that describe the NFT. | Trait[] |
updated | The timestamp of the most recent update to the NFT's API response data. | string |